Braving the Body on Zoom 9/20; poems at P+T Knitwear 10/27, etc.
The autumnal equinox approaches and this summer bb is sending tidings. A quick update on some events future and past.
Dear friends,
The autumnal equinox approaches and this summer bb is sending tidings. A quick update on some events future and past:
This Wednesday, 9/20 from 7pm-8:30 join me on Zoom for a featured reading and community sharing response to the Braving the Body workshop from Poetry Well. The featured readers are Nicole Callihan, Jennifer L. Knox, and Jennifer Franklin, and nine poets including me will be sharing one poem each. (Mine NSFW—sorry Mom and Dad!) Eventbrite link here.
On Friday, 10/27 at 7pm I will be with poets Emily Hockaday and Madelin Medina at P+T Knitwear on the Lower East Side. We'll be celebrating the release of Emily's forthcoming poetry collection In a Body. The three of us met during our days as lil poets at Hofstra University, and I can't wait to read with them again. Eventbrite link here.

Over the last few weeks, I attended Bouchercon (the World Mystery Convention) and the Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity Con and saw a lot of friends and met new ones. I gave a toast (to Fritz, IYKYK) at the Nero Wolfe banquet and a featured talk as publishing industry guest at C3. I got to jump in the ocean in San Diego and won a raffle prize in Maryland. Everything was a blast.
And for now, catch me bopping around Queens, watching Star Trek under the light of a celestial projector in my bedroom, and experiencing ego death (according to my therapist). Forecasts suggests this shall continue into the winter. That, and writing, and also working on some new projects for THRASH Press. And these readings . . . come if you can!
Please let me know what you're up to--and please take care.