THRASH Press 2022 catalog and winter solstice sale
Dear friends,
I'm happy to present here the THRASH Press 2022 catalog. We've been publishing since the summer of 2022!
From now through January 12, we are offering a deal: One publication for $5; four publications for $20. We are happy to put together grab bags of the pubs (they make great gifts, if we do say so ourselves). Items will be put in the mail the day of purchase.
$1 from each sale will be donated to the Queens Public Library. (Libraries, their workers, and their programs in NYC and all over the country are endangered right now!)
You can order by Venmo @thrashpress; please include your choices and the mailing address/name of recipient. Everyone gets a free bookmark too, and we can include any special message you'd like. Please contact with any questions.

LADY LIBERTY SMASHING STONES by Sherese Francis, poetry, 12 pages. History, present, and future of Black folks and Blackness in America. Sherese Francis is an Alkymist of the I-Magination and expresses her(e)self through poetry, interdisciplinary arts, workshop facilitation, editing and literary curation. Her(e) work takes inspiration from her(e) Afro-Caribbean heritage (Barbados and Dominica), and studies in Afrofuturism and Black Speculative Arts, mythology and etymology. Some of her(e) work has been published in Furious Flower, Obsidian, Apex Magazine, Bone Bouquet, African Voices, and Newtown Literary. Additionally, Sherese has published three chapbooks, Lucy’s Bone Scrolls (Three Legged Elephant), Variations on Sett/ling Seed/ling (Harlequin Creature), and Recycling a Why That Rules Over My Sacred Sight (DoubleCross Press).

NAME THIS BODY by Emily Hockaday, poetry, 12 pages. Exploration of natural, urban, and celestial bodies. Emily Hockaday's first full-length collection, Naming the Ghost, will be out with Cornerstone Press in September 2022. She is the author of five chapbooks, most recently the ecology-themed Beach Vocabulary. Her poems have appeared in print and online journals, as well as with the Poets of Queens and Parks & Points’ Wayfinding anthologies. Emily is the recipient of a New York City Artists Corps grant, a Café Royal Cultural Foundation grant, and the winner of the Middle House Review Editors’ Prize.

HELL I'M BETTER by Maud Pryor, poetry, 8 pages. Bold accounts of the Earth, sex, addiction, and healing. Original publication! Maud Pryor is a social worker and former or occasional zinester/poet from Queens, NY baby.

REPEAT AS NECESSARY (OR HOW TO BLOW UP YOUR LIFE) by Christine Kandic Torres, fiction, 12 pages. The narator is on the precipice of a potentially explosive decision during what would otherwise be a humdrum workday! Christine Kandic Torres was born and raised in New York City. Her fiction has received support from Hedgebrook, VONA, the Jerome Foundation, and the Queens Council on the Arts, and been featured in publications such as Catapult, Kweli, and Fractured Lit. The Girls in Queens is her first novel.

A EULOGY FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM by Sherese Francis, poetry. Cardstock, hand colored.

BODY ABOVE WATER by Emily Hockaday, poetry. Cardstock, hand colored.

DISENFRANCHISED GRIEF IN FOUR PARTS by Sangamithra Iyer, lyrical prose. Original publication! Cardstock. Colored paper options shown. Sangamithra Iyer is a writer, engineer, and environmental planner. She is the recipient of a Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant, a Pushcart Prize, a Café Royal Foundation Grant, and a Diamonstein-Spielvogel Fellowship at the NYPL. She has been awarded an Aspen Summer Words Emerging Writer Fellowship and was a finalist for the Siskiyou Prize in New Environmental Literature. She served as an editor of Satya magazine, focused on animal advocacy, environmentalism, veganism, and social justice and worked on water supply protection for over a decade. She writes at the intersections of art and science and personal and planetary grief. Her first book is forthcoming from Milkweed Editions.

IF I COULD MILK A CLOUD I WOULD by Maud Pryor, poetry. Original publication! Cardstock. Colored paper options shown.

THE 3939 WORLD'S FAIR by Lorraine Schein, poetry. Cardstock; hand colored or black and white. Lorraine Schein is a NY writer. Her work has appeared in VICE Terraform, Strange Horizons, Mermaids Monthly, and Newtown Literary. Her stories are included in the anthologies Aphrodite Terra, Tragedy Queens and Wild Women. The Futurist’s Mistress, her poetry book, is available from Her new book is The Lady Anarchist Café, published by Autonomedia.

FROM REPEAT AS NECESSARY (OR HOW TO BLOW UP YOUR LIFE) by Christine Kandic Torres, fiction. Cardstock; hand colored.