THRASH Press update, forthcoming short story, upcoming reading/open mic, friend updates!
Hi, friends,
Less than a handful of quick and sometimes-scant updates that I just couldn't hold in any longer:
π₯ I'm glad to let you know that I have put together THRASH Press's first offering: a digital DIY mini-zine packet for $1. I have also put up a free mini-zine video tutorial (be sure to stick around for the after-credits scene to learn more about the THRASH cinematic universe!).
π₯ I was stoked to learn this week that my short story "Bystander Intervention" will be published in Mystery Magazine! More updates when I have them.
π₯ Finally, I am thrilled to announce that, along with my friends and fellow Queens writers Emily Alta Hockaday and Michael Steigman, THRASH will be holding a reading and open mic at the Moore-Jackson Community Garden in August. Emily's debut full-length book of poetry, Naming the Ghost, will be out from Cornerstone Press this fall, and the pre-sale starts July 1! Meanwhile, you can check out Michael's recent Art in the Basin performance. Stay tuned for details on the event.
π₯ I also want to let you know that my pal Christine Kandic Torres's debut novel, The Girls in Queens, will be out next week! The launch will be at LIC Bar on June 14, hosted by Astoria Bookshop. See you there?
And . . . that's it! Please take good care and let me know if you need anything.
Jackie P.S.