reading at the book launch for Beach Vocabulary by Emily Hockaday 4/10
Dear all,
I'm writing to let you know about the book launch for the Fire-Island themed poetry chapbook Beach Vocabulary by Emily Hockaday. Emily's evocative and vivid book (with gorgeous cover art by Sam Hockaday) examines beach, island, marsh, and human ecosystems while both centering and distancing the human emotional experience.
I'm a Pisces and great admirer of Emily's work, so you know I adore this lovely book, and I'm honored to be reading during the launch at the charming Moore Jackson Cemetery and Community Garden on April 10. Please RSVP and find more information here. Beach Vocabulary will be available for purchase, as will my debut chapbook, Harbinger. Hope to see you there.
Jackie P.S.
P.S.! There may or may not be temporary tattoos featuring the glowing Beach Vocabulary cover design.
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